That twenty four hour sleeping stint recharged my batteries a bit, but I think I may have to take a day off soon, regardless. Whatever bug has had me feeling sick and gross for the past couple of weeks hasn't quite gone away, and the sleep didn't really seem to actually make me any less tired.
I'll do that soon, but I have to get a bit more stuff done first. I know I said this space was supposed to be for avoiding the topic of work, but I don't think anyone is actually reading this anyway. And besides, I won't really talk talk about work.
The news of that suicide and the way the media is handling it just has me feeling a way, I guess. It just feels like trying to go against the current constantly at this point. No matter how much I try to do what I can, it feels like I'm not making any difference, even with the people immediately around me.
I decided to take on journalism on top of the art because I cared about it, it isn't like it pays anything worthwhile at all. I wanted to spread knowledge and help people understand the world around them better. But most of the time, I feel like I'm just shouting and shouting but no sound is coming out. Sometimes I wonder why I keep on doing it, when it's just bad news all the time now. Sometimes I think maybe this isn't me after all, even if I wanted it to be.
Buuuuuut that's enough of that nonsense. That's depressing and a downer. I think that sometimes, but it doesn't matter! I've always found that if you just push through the ruts, you always get your wind back with enough time. Things are hard right now but all things pass, and this will pass, too. I just gotta keep working hard and doing my best, I know that.
Alright! I actually feel better. lol maybe this is the point of a blog? (Can you say "lol" in a blog, or is it like an essay? Whatever, it's my blog, lol)
Another note to self: been reading through other blogs to get ideas for content and such, and found a neat one that talks about folklore and stuff. Reminder to sit down and go through the other entries sometime. the hooded man
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